Romanian Parties Sign Education Pact
The pact for education was signed on Wednesday afternoon by president Traian Basescu as well as all Romanian parliament parities.
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Social democrat head Mircea Geoana, Marko Bela- president of the Magyar minority party UDMR, Vadim Tudor-head of the far-right Greater Romania Party, or PRM, conservative head Daniela Popa, democrat liberal president Emil Boc, the head of minorities Varujan Pambuccian as well as education minister Cristian Adomnitei signed the education pact.
The document’s authors also engage themselves to adopt the Book of Rights and Liberties of the Education System and to try to create a balance between rural and urban education.
According to the pact, permanent education will become the basis of the education system in Romania and will be extended to include each year 12% of the country’s active labor force by 2013.
The stipulations will be applied to the entire education system, irrespective of the language used in schools.
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