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Some 1.1 Million Romanians Form Italy’s Largest Immigrant Community – Report

The number of Romanians living in Italy has reached at least 1,165,000, and the Romanian community is the largest in Italy and second in the EU with respect for the number of immigrants, according to a report of the Caritas organization, quoted by ASCA online.
Some 1.1 Million Romanians Form Italy’s Largest Immigrant Community – Report
25 mart. 2010, 15:14, English

The report was developed by Franco Pittau, Antonio Ricci and Laura Timsa Edizioni, and was presented at the „Accademia di Romania” in Rome.

According to official statistics, Romanians constitute 24.5% of all foreigners living in Italy, and are responsible for 13.8% of the crimes attributed to immigrants.

Caritas writes in the report that Italians should focus on planning a common life with the Romanians, who represent one quarter of immigrants in Italy and are often discriminated because of presumed deviant conduct.

The organization concluded saying that most Romanians are adamant about fitting in, since they have managed to overcome an unsatisfactory financial situation in Italy, through work (700,000 legal workers) and by creating companies (28,000 company owners), proving appreciation and attachment to the country that has welcomed them.