Romanian PM Confident Investors To Be Found In Six Months To Replace Nokia

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday he is confident that, in the next six months, the Government will attract companies to continue investments in Cluj after the closing of Nokia's factory at Jucu.


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Romanian PM Confident Investors To Be Found In Six Months To Replace Nokia

The prime minister pointed out that Nokia's decision to close its local factory by the end of the year is solely managerial.

"Even though we are not overly optimistic at the moment, I am confident that in the next six months we will be able to find an investor to continue investments in Cluj," said Boc.

Boc said the Labor Ministry and the employment agency office in Cluj are holding talks on a job retraining program for the Nokia laid off employees.

Nokia on Thursday announced it will shut down its Romanian plant at the end of the year, within a broader strategy meant to restore competitive edge. The company is also taking a closer look at its plants in Mexico, Finland and Hungary. The planned shutdown of the Romanian production unit combined with adjustments to supply chain operations is estimated to impact approximately 2,200 employees, the company said, adding laid off employees would benefit from severance payments.

The prime minister's adviser, Andreea Paul-Vass, said Thursday evening Romania is in advanced negotiations with ten companies to attract investments in Cluj county and compensate the losses resulting from the closing of Nokia's local plant. She did not disclose the names of these companies, citing confidentiality conditions.

Vass explained that the Government has six months to find "compensatory solutions" for Cluj county and that Boc Thursday took over negotiations with the 21 investors interested in the Romanian market. The ten companies with which the Government is in advanced talks are included in these 21 investors.

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