Romanian PM Declines Comments On Voting Incident At Local Polls

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu Monday declined to answer the journalists’ questions regarding the way he voted Sunday in the Romanian local elections, stressing he is much more interested in the things that need to be done in the future, rather than such “trifles.”


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Romanian PM Declines Comments On Voting Incident At Local Polls

Tariceanu voted Sunday using a voter card, even though this is not a legal manner of voting.
After leaving the voting booth, Tariceanu showed the ballot to the president of the electoral commission, allowing him to check whether the option is visible. The electoral code states, however, that the vote is to remain secret, and voting ballots must not be opened in front of anyone.
Under the circumstances, Florin Chelu, head of the electoral commission, said Sunday he would submit a minute to the Electoral Office of Bucharest District 6 to notify it of the incident.
The Electoral Office of District 6 polling station decided Tariuceanu’s vote was illegal, while the head of the electoral commission only got a warning.

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