Romanian PM Dismisses Danube Delta Governor

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila dismissed the country’s Danube Delta governor, Malin-Matei Musetescu, on Friday, amid a wave of replacing several secretaries of state from the Energy, Environment and European Funds ministries.


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Romanian PM Dismisses Danube Delta Governor

According to the decision published in Romania’s Official Journal, the former governor will be replaced in office by retired intelligence officer Catalin Tibuleac.

Tibuleac is a former SRI Tulcea chief, who retired in August 2017, after four and a half years at the helm of the agency branch, according to Ziarul de Tulcea.

The chief of cabinet also dismissed secretaries of state Robert Tudorache (Energy Ministry), Adrian Neculaescu (Environment Ministry) and Octav-Dan Paxino (EU Funds Ministry). They were replaced with Marius Dumitrascu, Octavian Stana and Cezar Caleap, respectively.

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