Romanian Bks See Escalation Of Phishing Attacks, To 30 Cases In ‘08

Publicat: 14 10. 2008, 13:30
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:05

“The number of phishing attacks increased and will likely catch up with the rest of the world,” Catalin Cosoi, Senior Researcher with BitDefender, said Tuesday.

Romania ranks fifth in the hierarchy of countries hosting cloned websites.

Phishing represents a mass campaign that aims at convincing the email users to visit cloned websites of banks for data theft.

Lately, stolen accounts are sold in bulk, and sometimes they are not even used by those who steal them, said Vlad Valceanu, head of the Antispam Research department with BitDefender .

One stolen account costs up to 50 cents.

The two representatives of BitDefender attended Tuesday a conference organized in Bucharest, on “Fraud and Money Laundering”.