Romanian PM Invites Japanese Counterpart To Visit Romania

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc invited Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso to visit Romania in 2009, and stressed that Romanian authorities are interested in establishing a strong relation with the Japanese government in the sector of environment protection and local administration.


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Romanian PM Invites Japanese Counterpart To Visit Romania

In September 2008, Japan’s Democratic Liberal Party designated party leader Taro Aso as Prime Minister.
Considering that January 13, 2009 marks 50 years since diplomatic ties between Japan and Romania were restored, Japan’s ambassador to Bucharest, Yoshinobu Higashi, conveyed a message to Boc from Aso and Romanian authorities did the same via Romania’s ambassador to Tokyo, Aurelian Neagu.
"Romania’s Prime Minister wants Japan’s investments in the country’s economy to keep flowing, mainly in economic sectors facing high added value," the government said in a press release.
Neagu, in turn, spoke about Japan’s openness to strengthen its bilateral ties with Romania.

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