Romanian PM Launches Attacks At ‘Real Estate Jackals’ Surrounding State Patrimony Auth

Romanian Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu on Friday launched a harsh attack at the “real estate jackals” and the “racketeers” surrounding the state patrimony authority RA-APPS.


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Romanian PM Launches Attacks At ‘Real Estate Jackals’ Surrounding State Patrimony Auth

Tariceanu attended the presentation ceremony of the liberal candidates for local elections in Bihor County, northwestern Romania, and expressed his endorsement for the candidacy of Ilie Bolojan, former secretary general of the government.
Appointing Bolojan secretary general was a good thing for RA-APPS, Tariceanu said, praising the former for reforming the authority.
He said Bolojan may have been “the only one able to solve the situation” at RA-APPS.
“I told him: «Ilie, there is a problem that has been bothering me for some time now, namely RA-APPS. Two core issues must be solved there. A group of real estate jackals that are after the authority’s assets, led by the blonde with the Democratic Party, Elena Udrea, the one who has performed numerous tasks for the President, and a group of racketeers, people who say they are capitalists and democrats, but who want to have the same benefits as in the communist regime, to live in villas and pay modest rents,” Tariceanu told liberal fans at the ceremony.
In the end, Tariceanu congratulated Bolojan for solving the problems at the authority. 
“You have no idea how much pressure was put on him, how many attempts to break him were made, but he handled it all very well,” Tariceanu mentioned.

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