Romanian PM Promises New Social Dialogue Law, Work Inspection Law

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc pledged that a new social dialogue law, as well as a work inspection law, will be drawn up by November 5, Romanian Democratic Union Confederation (CSDR) leader Iacob Baciu said Saturday alter talks with the prime minister.


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Romanian PM Promises New Social Dialogue Law, Work Inspection Law

Baciu said the new social dialogue act will be an organic law which will set the rights and obligations of social dialogue committee members.

He said authorities pledged that Work Inspection checkup teams will also include unionists, adding protocols will be signed in this respect.

Baciu said the prime minister's proposition to set the minimum wage at 640 lei (EUR1=RON4.2672) was rejected by union representatives who demanded a RON750 minimum wage. The union leader highlighted that the prime minister tasked the Labor Ministry and the Finance Ministry with reanalyzing salary quotients.

CSDR representatives asked Boc to extend in 2011 the measures regarding technical unemployment. They also told the prime minister that unionists will not renounce protests.

The leaders of Romania's major trade union confederations decided Thursday to hold joint protests, meaning the rally planned for October 7 might be postponed to allow more time to mobilize 70,000-80,000 people.

Cartel Alfa president Bogdan Hossu said each confederation will consult its members about future protest action, and the leaders will meet again on Monday and decide on a joint strategy. He said the unionists' demands concern minimum wage, new jobs, the pension law and public sector wage law.

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