Swiss Political Shift Might Trigger Referendum On Free Movement

Publicat: 17 12. 2007, 15:57
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:19
Swiss journalist Roger de Weck made these statements during an interview focusing on the efforts made by the Swiss Government to improve its image on a European level.
"Earthquake", "storm" and "revolt" – the words used by the European press to describe the rejection of "rightwing firebrand" Christoph Blocher in favor of more moderate Swiss People’s Party rival Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf – reflected the scale of the surprise abroad.
De Weck claims that the attention of the entire Europe directed towards Switzerland when a populist party obtained 30% of positions in the Swiss Parliament, a climb that generated countless questions.
Asked if Switzerland-EU relations would improve after Blocher’s rejection from the Government, de Weck said that, once he is in opposition, Blocher might launch a referendum against the expansion of the bilateral agreement on free movement for Romania and Bulgaria.
"In that situation I think the Swiss would be reasonable and not follow it. Such a move would call into question our entire relationship with the EU and would affect vital economic interests," Blocher added.