Swiss Political Shift Might Trigger Referendum On Free Movement
Swiss journalist Roger de Weck made these statements during an interview focusing on the efforts made by the Swiss Government to improve its image on a European level.
"Earthquake", "storm" and "revolt" – the words used by the European press to describe the rejection of "rightwing firebrand" Christoph Blocher in favor of more moderate Swiss People’s Party rival Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf – reflected the scale of the surprise abroad.
De Weck claims that the attention of the entire Europe directed towards Switzerland when a populist party obtained 30% of positions in the Swiss Parliament, a climb that generated countless questions.
Asked if Switzerland-EU relations would improve after Blocher’s rejection from the Government, de Weck said that, once he is in opposition, Blocher might launch a referendum against the expansion of the bilateral agreement on free movement for Romania and Bulgaria.
"In that situation I think the Swiss would be reasonable and not follow it. Such a move would call into question our entire relationship with the EU and would affect vital economic interests," Blocher added.