Romanian PM Says Healthcare Reform Must Be Completed

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday the country’s healthcare system reform is necessary and must be completed and the health minister has the Government’s full support.


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Romanian PM Says Healthcare Reform Must Be Completed

"The main goal in restructuring the public hospital system is not to cut costs but to improve the quality of medical services. (…) Hospitals should have been restructured ten years ago," said Boc.

The prime minister added the staff working in hospitals that have been shut down as of April 1 will be redistributed.

The Government recently approved a list of 67 hospitals countrywide that will be restructured and converted into nursing homes. Following the decision, the 670 doctors and 2400 nurses working in these units will be taken over by the nursing homes or will be redistributed to other units, in three stages: first within the county, then to neighboring counties, then to hospitals elsewhere in the country.

The move sparked social unrest among local communities where hospitals are to be shut down and reorganized.

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