Romanian PM To European Parliament: Our Vision Involves Reducing Gaps Between Member States

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila held a speech regarding Romania’s EU Council President in the European Parliament on Tuesday, during which she stated that the country will look towards cohesion and reducing gaps between member states.


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Romanian PM To European Parliament: Our Vision Involves Reducing Gaps Between Member States

“Europe always knew how to get over its impediments, to rebirth itself after unfortunate episodes. Today we find ourselves again in a complex moment of the European construction process, but any situation of this type can be transformed into a new opportunity, a new beginning,” said the Romanian PM.

In her presentation of Romania’s priorities during its EU Council presidency, the chief of cabinet put a special accent on the idea of cohesion between EU member states.

“I know the fact that the first step of this presidency will be limited as both time and decisional process. That is why I am counting on your help to solve as many possible cases and to respond to challenges for the European future. Our vision is structured around the idea of cohesion in all fields. Political, economic and territorial cohesion, to reduce gaps between member states, social cohesion, important for the priorities of our internal market,” Dancila added.

Romania will exert the rotating presidency of the EU Council until June 30.

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