Romanian Police Annihilated Drug Dealers Network
A Romanian drug dealers group, formed of six young people from eastern Romanian counties Galati and Braila, was caught by the police, and three of the members were arrested based on mandates issued by the Galati Court.
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The group of drug dealers was selling ecstasy pills with a Toyota symbol as their logo, according to officials of the local anti-organized crime brigade.
"The six drug dealers, aged 17 to 22, were getting the drugs from the capital city Bucharest and were selling them in Braila and Galati counties, 60 lei/pill (EUR1=RON3.5656). Following our action, 154 ecstasy pills found in their homes were confiscated,” said chief inspector Ionel Pasquale.
He added that the Galati Court issued mandates to arrest for 30 days three of the group’s members on charges of drug dealing, punishable with ten to 20 years imprisonment under Romanian law.
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