Romanian Police: Former Constanta Mayor to Be Repatriated on Monday

The Romanian Police announced on Wednesday that it launched procedures to repatriate the fugitive former mayor of Constanta, Radu Mazare, who will be brought back from Madagascar with a police escort on next Monday, May 20.


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Romanian Police: Former Constanta Mayor to Be Repatriated on Monday

The mission escorting the fugitive former official is set to arrive on the Bucharest International Airport, sources told MEDIAFAX.

Authorities in Madagascar admitted Romania’s extradition request for Mazare on Tuesday, according to interim Romanian Justice Minister Ana Birchall.

The General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR) announced last week that Radu Mazare, sentenced to prison in several corruption cases, was arrested for a six-day period in Madagascar by local authorities.

According to IGPR, Mazare was arrested in collaboration with local authorities, after Romania issued an international arrest warrant for the former mayor, who received a final nine-year prison sentence in February.

Romania’s Supreme Court handed the former mayor a nine-year prison sentence in a final decision issued in February, for his role in the illegal retrocession of several beach properties in the city, with total damages estimated at EUR114 million.

Radu Mazare was also recently sentenced to another nine years and ten months in prison for receiving bribes in exchange for assigning city sanitation contracts to a specific company. The decision in that case is not final and can be appealed.

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