Romanian Police Investigate Death Threats Received By Sibiu Mayor Johannis

Romanian police in Sibiu, central Romania, have opened a criminal investigation as the city’s mayor, Klaus Johannis, received death threats before the presidential election runoff


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"There is a criminal file. We're looking to see who sent the mayor death threats," Sibiu county police spokeswoman Luciana Baltes said Monday.

She said Johannis, who was to be designated prime minister if social democrat Mircea Geoana had won the presidential election, received a letter before the election runoff containing a death threat, which he turned over top the police.

Since the incident, local police have been permanently patrolling and watching the street where Johannis lives. The mayor's neighbors said they were surprised to see police still patrolling the area after the election.

According to the online editing of local weekly newspaper Turnul Sfatului, Johannis received death threats the day before the election runoff. Citing unnamed sources, the paper wrote the mayor received a letter at home, which basically said "leave or die".

Johannis refused to comment the incident.

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