Romanian Police Seize Main Suspect In Brasov Armed Robbery – Interior Min

Romanian interior minister Liviu Dragnea said Saturday on Antena 3 that police seized the main suspect in the armed robbery that occurred Thursday evening in the central Romanian city of Brasov, which left two people dead and one injured.


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Romanian Police Seize Main Suspect In Brasov Armed Robbery – Interior Min

The minister declined to give too many details, saying the investigation is ongoing.
Two people were shot dead and a third was injured during the armed robbery Thursday evening at a currency exchange office in the center of Brasov.
According to the General Police Inspectorate, two of the victims were employees of the exchange office and the third, a passer-by who tried to stop the robber. The passer-by, 55, was shot in the heart and died shortly after the attack.
One of the exchange office’s employees, 33, was shot in the head and died in intensive care after a three-hour coma. The third victim, 38, lost an eye.
The attacker managed to steal a bag of money from the two exchange office employees, which he later abandoned in the street and fled the scene.

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