Romanian Politician Gets Beaten, Not Robbed
Gheorghe Saghian, the chief of the social democratic (PSD) electoral campaign in eastern Romanian city Galati was beaten, Saturday morning, by two unknown individuals, in the center of the city.
16 viewsSaghian and his colleagues exclude the possibility of robbery and believe that this is vengeance applied by political adversaries.
Saghian, vice president of the Galati county organization of the Social Democratic Party and coordinator of the social democrat electoral campaign in local elections, was attacked by two strangers Saturday morning, around 08:15 local time, in the parking lot of the building where he lives, in a Galati central neighborhood.
“I went to the car and when I opened the trunk I was hit in the head, on the left side and then kicked in the back by both individuals. I tried to turn around but the blows became stronger," Saghian said in a press conference.
Asked if he believes this to be political vengeance, he said he is convinced of this, since nothing was stolen from him.
The PSD Galati vice president went to the emergency room within the "Sf. Andrei" hospital, where he received medical attention. "This morning, there was a man with multiple trauma by aggression and facial trauma, with a wound that required suture and lumbar concussion," said Lidia Sandru, doctor within the Galati emergency hospital, adding that Saghian did not require hospitalization.
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