Romanian Politician Proposes Lower VAT On Condoms

Victor Negrescu, running for a seat in the Romanian Parliament along the social democrat and conservative alliance, proposed a cut in value added tax on condoms, citing people’s ever more active lives and the medical aspects entailed.


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Romanian Politician Proposes Lower VAT On Condoms

Negrescu said a lower VAT on condoms is among a series of proposals that consider people’s increasingly active lives and the medical aspects derived from this fact, the candidate said in a press release Wednesday.
He said the measure is called for by worrisome statistics that show Romania has 25,000 HIV/ AIDS patients, of whom 70% are young people. He added 160,000 abortions are performed every year in Romania, and 10% are for young women aged 15 to 19.
"Worrisome statistics and the fact that the average VAT on condoms in Europe is 10% determined me to bring forth such a proposition. Promoting such an initiative would help protect people from useless risks and will prove we can adapt to people’s fast lifestyle,” Negrescu said.

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