Romanian Postal Workers Protest Over Small Wages, Improper Work Conditions

About 30 Romanian postal service union leaders on Thursday staged a one-hour spontaneous protest outside state-run postal company Posta Romana, over small salaries and improper work conditions.


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Romanian Postal Workers Protest Over Small Wages, Improper Work Conditions

According to union leaders, Posta Romana will face bankruptcy due to poor management. They said the company's board hired 100 managers on political criteria and 200 other people in high-salary positions, in the context in which employees' wages have remained the same over the past three years.

Union leader Matei Bratianu said postal employees work in improper conditions, and added over 30% of the country's post offices have no heating and over 10% no potable water supplies and no restrooms.

Postal unionists will continue protests in each county in the upcoming days and even plan an ampler protest in capital Bucharest.

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