Romanian Pres Attends Democrat Liberal Informal Meeting

Romanian president Traian Basescu arrived Saturday at the Diplomats’ Club, where an informal meeting of the Democratic Liberal Party is taking place regarding the state of negotiations with the social democrats and the Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania and the format of the next government.


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Romanian Pres Attends Democrat Liberal Informal Meeting

Basescu said upon leaving the club that he discussed matters involved in the act of governing with the democrat liberals.

Asked if in Brussels he talked with prime minister Calin Tariceanu, the head of state confirmed, but said the talks did not target a potential inclusion of the liberals in government.
Also, a decision is expected on the inclusion of the Magyar minority party in the government, as the social democrats clearly expressed their stance in the matter, saying two large parties are enough for one government and there is no room for UDMR.
The meeting is attended by the members of the National Leaders Council within the Democratic Liberal Party, the presidents of county councils and the democrat liberal mayors countrywide.

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