Romanian Pres, PM, Ctrl Bk Gov Meet IMF Delegation - Sources

Romanian President Traian Basescu, Prime Minister Emil Boc and central bank governor Mugur Isarescu are discussing with the International Monetary Fund delegation at Cotroceni Palace, the president’s office, official sources told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.


Imaginea articolului Romanian Pres, PM, Ctrl Bk Gov Meet IMF Delegation - Sources

Romanian Pres, PM, Ctrl Bk Gov Meet IMF Delegation - Sources

The meeting started at 1500 GMT and lasted for two hours. The discussions focused towards the evaluation of Romania’s financial needs, the sources said.
Basescu and Boc met earlier the day, also at the president’s office, for talks regarding the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, EU funds and the anti-crisis measures.
Romanian authorities are negotiating with IMF and EU representatives a financial package that could amount to EUR19 billion for covering the country’s external deficit.

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