Romanian Pres Says Terrorism Case Should Be Monitored

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Friday Romania has “a case of terrorism tried, which reached a final and binding verdict in the High Court of Justice" and he is curious to see how the sentence would be enforced.


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Romanian Pres Says Terrorism Case Should Be Monitored

"We have a case involving a terrorist tried and which has reached a final and binding decision in the High Court of Justice. I would follow up on how this final and binding decision is applied," said the head of state, in a debate on the fight against money laundering.

He mentioned that this decision “imposes measures for the valuation of goods gained illicitly.”

Basescu attended Friday the debate organized by the National Office for Prevention and Fight Against Money Laundering, with the topic "One step forward in the process for Romania’s integration in the EU. The complete alignment of the legislation for the prevention and fight against money laundering, and the financing of terrorism, to European standards."

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