Romanian Pres To Attend EU-USA Meet In Prague

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Sunday, upon leaving for Prague, that the EU has some ambitious but expensive objectives, such as the intention to secure 20% of necessary energy from renewable sources by 2020, and these objectives place the Union at a disadvantage on international markets.


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Romanian Pres To Attend EU-USA Meet In Prague

Basescu made this statement before attending the informal EU-USA reunion in Prague. He mentioned the objective of the reunion in Prague is the refreshing of EU-USA relations. "We would be pleased if actions decided would create an EU-USA strategic partnership," Basescu said.
The president said the main theme of the meeting will be the economic and financial crisis, adding that in the G20 Summit there were different approaches used by the EU and the USA in the matter.
Basescu said climate change issues will also be approached, a topic on which the EU and the USA have displayed different approaches.
The security status in the Middle East will be discussed, the president added, and the two parties involved have relatively close stances in the matter.

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