Romanian Presidency Announces Questions for May 26 Referendum

Romania’s Presidential Administration spokesperson, Madalina Dobrovolschi, announced in a press statement on Thursday the two questions which will be asked at the upcoming referendum on the judiciary, set to take place at the same time with European Parliament elections, on May 26.


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Romanian Presidency Announces Questions for May 26 Referendum

The ballot will have two questions, both answerable with either yes or no, as follows:

“1. Do you agree with a prohibition of amnesty and pardoning for corruption offences?”

“2. Do you agree with a prohibition on the Government’s ability to issue emergency decrees in the fields of crime, sentences and judicial organization and with an extension of the right to attack decrees directly at the Constitutional Court?”.

The referendum will not have any immediate legal effects and will be validated if it reaches a voter turnout of at least 30%, and the winning option gathers the votes of at least 25% of all registered voters.

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