Romanian President Basescu Wants To Implement Postal Voting During Second Term

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday that one of the greatest successes of his previous term was fulfilling his promises to Romanians abroad, adding that he will push towards implementing postal voting and setting up a call center for the diaspora.


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Romanian President Basescu Wants To Implement Postal Voting During Second Term

"One of the greatest achievements of my first term was keeping my promises to Romanians living abroad, whether it was liberalizing the labor market in a significant number of EU states, amending the law of citizenship, representing these Romanians in Parliament or increasing the number of consulates," Basescu said during the annual meeting with the country's diplomatic corps.

He said that during the second term he aims to implement postal voting, set up a call center for Romanians abroad and open new consulates.

"We do not make any distinction between Romanian citizens living in the country and those living outside. Promoting the interests and protecting the rights of both categories are a priority for me and for Romania's foreign policy. But, when we speak of foreign policy, we must support Romanians living abroad. It is for them we must implement procedures and create institutions that are better suited to assist them in their day-to-day lives and especially in their contact with the country," Basescu said.

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