Romania’s oldest and most famous rock band, Phoenix, received honors on Monday from President Traian Basescu, on the band’s 45th anniversary.
Romanian President Honors Rockers Phoenix
The president offered distinctions to Nicu Covaci, Ovidiu Lipan, Florin Bordeianu, Iosif Kappl, Manfred Neuman, Bogdan Bradu, Calin Ionut Contras and Cristian Claudiu Bran. Singer Mircea Baniciu was absent from the ceremony, and Covaci said he decided to leave the band to pursue other activities.
Basescu said in his speech that Phoenix was a window to freedom for his generation. Phoenix frontman Covaci assured the president he can count on the band to continue to make Romanian music heard abroad.
“You can also count on us to educate the young generation too,” Covaci added.
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