Romanian President Invites Parties For Separate Talks Monday Afternoon On Designating New PM

Romanian President Traian Basescu invited parliamentary parties for separate talks Monday starting 3 p.m. on appointing a new prime minister, following Emil Boc’s resignation.


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Romanian President Invites Parties For Separate Talks Monday Afternoon On Designating New PM

Talks with each party delegation will last 30 minutes, according to the invitation.

The first delegation to meet with the head of state is that of the national minorities party. It will be followed by the Conservative Party (opposition), the National Union for the Progress of Romania, the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, the Liberal Party (opposition), the Social Democratic Party (opposition) and the Democratic Liberal Party.

According to the president's invitation, each party delegation will be made up of no more than 12 members.

Consultations between Basescu and political parties on the EU financial stability treaty and the situation in the Romanian Parliament following the opposition's decision to boycott Parliament were cancelled earlier Monday after Boc's resignation.

Under Romania's Constitution, the head of state designates a prime minister following consultations with the party that holds absolute majority in Parliament or, if there is no such party, with all parliamentary parties.

The designated prime minister will seek the Parliament's vote of confidence on the new Government's program and ministers within ten days from appointment. The government program and the list of new ministers will be debated by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and will be put to the vote in a plenary meeting.

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