Romanian President Nominates Mihai Razvan Ungureanu As New PM

Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, head of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE), was nominated Monday evening by Romanian President Traian Basescu as the new prime minister, replacing Emil Boc.


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Romanian President To Nominate Mihai Razvan Ungureanu As New PM – Sources

In a press conference, Basescu said he and Boc had talked about a new Government as early as December, but the change was put off until after the International Monetary Fund's review and a state bond issue on the U.S. debt market.

Other names reportedly considered for the office left by Emil Boc were Calin Georgescu, acting prime minister Catalin Predoiu, and Cristian Maior, head of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI).

On Monday, Basescu met with all the political parties represented in Parliament.

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