Romanian President, PM To Discuss Fin Ministry Incentives Sunday

Romania’s President Traian Basescu and Prime Minister Emil Boc will meet Sunday to discuss the situation of bonuses at the Finance Ministry, following two days of protests among ministry and fiscal administration employees over unpaid incentives, Basescu told Pro TV in an interview Sunday.


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Romanian President, PM To Discuss Fin Ministry Incentives Sunday

"The row at the Finance Ministry has called my attention and I have a meeting with the prime minister to discuss this today," said Basescu, adding he thinks the Financial Guard, which has attributions in pursuing criminal acts, should be moved under the authority of the Interior Ministry.

Employees of the Finance Ministry and fiscal administration authority ANAF went on a spontaneous protest Wednesday, disgruntled they had not received their wage bonuses and incentives for the past two months. Their action quickly spread to branches and offices across the country and continued on Tuesday, as thousands of other public sector employees joined demonstrations.

Fiscal administration head Sorin Blejnar said Saturday authorities have set performance criteria for the granting of incentives, which are not negotiable. He said an employee may get as much as three wages as a bonus for efficiency or no bonus at all.

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