Romanian President Reiterates His Impeachment In ’07 Was Coup D’etat

Romanian president Traian Basescu reiterated, in an interview for BBC, the idea that his impeachment in 2007 was a coup d’etat, adding this is a simple statement and not an obsession.


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Romanian President Reiterates His Impeachment In ’07 Was Coup D’etat

"The impeachment in 2007 – and this is not an obsession, but just a statement – was a coup d’etat, largely orchestrated by the same people who organized miners’ riots in the early 1990s," Basescu.

The head of state has previously stated that his impeachment was a coup d’etat, arranged by former president Ion Iliescu and social democrat leader Mircea Geoana, in collaboration with liberal Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu. Iliescu retorted at that time saying Basescu has a sickly obsession in this matter.

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