Romanian President to Address Policy Issues Before Parliament

Romanian president Traian Basescu contacted the leaders of the two Chambers of Parliament saying he wants to address lawmakers to present a report on Romania’s local and foreign policy. The exact date of the meeting will be set later in a meeting of the reunited Standing Offices.


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Romanian President to Address Policy Issues Before Parliament


"Next week, there will be a meeting of the reunited Standing Offices, at the request of the president of Romania, who intends to present, on September 24, 11:00 local time, before the reunited Chambers of Parliament, a report regarding Romania’s local and foreign policy," Chamber of Deputies secretary Valeriu Zgonea said.

He added the exact date for the meeting will be set in a joint meeting of the Chambers.

"In the next meeting of the reunited Standing Office, we will accept this request and set the date on which the Chambers will be able to meet to hear the president’s message," Zgonea concluded.

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