Romanian President Traian Basescu Voices Out Legislative Priorities

Romanian President Traian Basescu recently told democrat liberal lawmakers that he sees the legal codes, the amendments to the election law, the new salary and pension laws, as well as the education laws, as legislative priorities.


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Romanian President Traian Basescu Voices Out Legislative Priorities

Basescu added he also sees lawmakers’ decisions, in response to prosecutors’ requests targeting corruption cases, as a priority.
The head of state also voiced out as priorities, a new law salary law based on no exceptions whatsoever, a new pension law that must reflect the employees’ contribution throughout their years of work, not their gross incomes earned in the last month of work.
Moreover, he said democrat liberals must meet their commitment as regards amending the election law in order to eliminate those cases in which "a candidate, who comes second or fourth in the elections, ends up in Parliament, while the candidate who places first stays home."
Basescu pointed out the stringent need to make a decision with respect to laws regulating the education sector, which, in his opinion, is falling down day by day.
Basescu said the economic crisis must not hinder the reforming process of institutions, the government, or the salary and pension systems.

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