Romanian President Wins Suit Against Businessman Dinu Patriciu

Publicat: 19 10. 2011, 19:07
Actualizat: 07 11. 2012, 08:04

End-2009, Basescu sued Patriciu and Best Media SRL, the company that published daily newspaper Gardianul. The newspaper posted online a video, filmed in 2004 during the electoral campaign for the presidential elections, showing Basescu at a rally. Later in the clip, Basescu seems to strike a child across the face with the back of his fist, for undistinguishable reasons.

Patriciu said on private television Realitatea TV the president had hit the child twice.

A Bucharest court ruled Wednesday that Patriciu must pay RON0.5 to Basescu. The ruling may be appealed at the Bucharest Court.

Patriciu also sued the head of state in December 2009 and demanded EUR1 in damages as the president called him „liar” and „person who falsifies tapes”. The court has not yet issued a decision in this case.

Back in 2009, Basescu asked the National Criminal Expertise Institute (INEC) for a professional opinion on whether the video had been altered. The head of state said later INEC confirmed that the clip was altered.