Romanian Presidential Candidates Debate Black Sea Plateau And Foreign Policy

Romanian presidential candidates Mircea Geoana and Traian Basescu Thursday debated the country’s relationship with neighbor Ukraine and the use of the resources in the Black Sea continental plateau.


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Romanian Presidential Candidates Debate Black Sea Plateau And Foreign Policy

Geoana said Romania must have a good relationship with Ukraine, up to and including shared capitalization on the resources in the continental plateau, while Basescu was of the opinion that Romania should use 100% of the resources by itself.

Basescu added that the plateau was won by Romania in The Hague, so there is no point in "compromising" with anyone.

Geoana said Romania's relationship with the United States must not take priority to the prejudice of Eastern states.

On the subject of foreign policy, Geoana said Romania's international prestige had been affected by the economic crisis and by an improper cooperation between the president and former Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The social democrat leader said special attention should be given to the Republic of Moldova.

Basescu noted national interest should be the main engine of foreign policy. The incumbent president said the strategic partnership with the United States must continue and that there is a need for European Union members with similar interests to follow a correlated policy, giving the example of the partnership with France.

The International Court of Justice at The Hague drew on February 3 a new maritime border between Romania and Ukraine, settling a decade-old dispute.

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