Romanian Presidential Elections Most Likely Held On Nov 22 – Leftist Senator

Romanian social democrat senator Olguta Vasilescu said Monday the social democrats and the democrat liberals agreed on running presidential elections on November 22, a final decision being made in the Government meeting.


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Romanian Presidential Elections Most Likely Held On Nov 22 – Leftist Senator

Vasilescu said it is almost certain the election will be organized on this date, as this was agreed by both democrat liberals and social democrats during the governing coalition meeting.

The leaders of Romania’s ruling coalition on Monday discussed the program regarding the emergency ordinance on Romania’s presidential elections and planned the first round of presidential elections at the end of November.

"We talked a little about the program regarding the emergency ordinance on Romania’s presidential elections and we shall make a decision in this respect next week," the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) vice-president, Adriean Videanu, said Monday after the meeting of the ruling coalition.

On August 20, the Romanian Government said the draft emergency ordinance amending the law on the presidential elections does not include amendments to electoral rights, but mostly technical amendments for the efficient organization of presidential elections, separately from the parliament elections.

"The draft emergency ordinance mostly includes technical amendments, which are very important for the efficient organization of presidential elections. The draft does not include amendments to electoral rights, but only amendments that will allow the good organization of polling stations and of the entire electoral process, considering that in 2009, for the first time, Romania will hold presidential elections separately from parliament elections," the government said in a press release last Thursday.

On August 12, the Romanian Government discussed the draft law on the presidential elections, and said it would only bring minor technical amendments to the active regulations regarding the organization of polling stations. 

Prime Minister Emil Boc said at the time that the Government would not amend the number of signatures needed for a candidacy in presidential elections, will not impose monetary guarantees for each candidate and will not amend other conditions for presidential candidacy.

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