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Romanian Press Club Protests Against Ukrainian Censorship

The Romanian Press Club sent Friday letters to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Association of Newspapers (WAN), protesting against the situation faced by the Blik daily – edited by Adevarul Holding – a publication threatened with suspension by Kiev authorities.
Romanian Press Club Protests Against Ukrainian Censorship
05 dec. 2008, 16:44, English

“The Romanian Press Club respects Ukrainian legislation and understands the fact that under the rule of law these rules need to be consolidated. It is our belief that this process of legislative consolidation should consider the severity of the crimes, in the context where it is the privilege of a democratic state to apply fair punishment. Unfortunately, we have doubts regarding the manner in which Ukrainian authorities observed this principle in the Blik daily’s situation," club president Indira Crasnea told MEDIAFAX.

The World Association of Newspapers (WAN) was informed of the actions unfolded by the Romanian Press Club and was asked for support in this matter, said Crasnea, who is also a member of the WAN board.
"Adevarul Holding is an important active member of the Romanian Press Club and we will spare no institutional effort to solve this difficult situation," Crasnea added.
The Romanian Press Club, founded in 1998, is a professional association of media companies. The club includes 30 companies in printed press and audio-visual.
Ukrainian daily Blik, held by Adevarul Holding, is threatened with suspension by the National Commission of Experts for Public Morality in Ukraine, because it published several photographs dubbed pornographic, according to the Law defending public morals.
Adevarul Holding also asked Ukrainian journalists for support, as this situation could create a precedent, and announced a public debate on the situation faced by Blik.