The woman, who got vaccinated with the locally-produced vaccine Cantgrip two weeks ago, was admitted to hospital with muscle pain and fever. The local public health department said she developed the reaction to the vaccine few days after vaccination and was treated at home.
„She developed an unusual reaction to the vaccine, as her muscle pains and fever persist two weeks later,” said Doctor Dana Negru, epidemiology director with the local public health department.
Doctors at the hospital where the woman is admitted said she has started recovering.
„The patient complains of muscle pain in her legs but she is being kept under observation and is evolving well,” said Doctor Mirandolina Prisca.
The patient said her legs grow numb, as if they were paralyzed.
The local health department in Arad said over 13,000 people in the county got vaccinated and six of them reported side effects. Of these, three were admitted to hospital and two have recovered, while the 30-year-old woman’s case is considered the most severe yet.