Central European Media Enterprises, the largest media group in Central and Eastern Europe, and MTV Networks International signed, on December 17, 2007, a license contract spanning over several years.
Romanian Pro TV Group Runs MTV Romania
In accordance with the contract, Romanian television group Pro TV S.A. obtained the right to run the Romanian local station of MTV Networks International, MTV Romania. The price of the transaction will not be made public.
"We are glad to announce that MTV is the fifth television station we run in Romania," said Michael Garin, CEO of Central European Media Enterprises. "Operations unfolded in Romania prove the success of our development strategy. Our plan is to continue to launch other channels, depending on the opportunities that come up," he added.
MTV Romania broadcasts 24/7, with content completely adapted to the Romanian market. The television station will maintain its target audience, continuing to broadcast the best music, on a local and international level, as well as youth shows.
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