Romanian Prosecutors Raise Independence Concerns Over Draft Justice Laws

Romania’s Public Ministry has expressed concerns on certain proposals within the draft justice laws published online by the Justice Ministry, such as a new specialized commission that would enquire magistrates.


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Romanian Prosecutors Raise Independence Concerns Over Draft Justice Laws

The Public Ministry noticed two categories of changes within the draft law. The first one represents proposals that magistrates made through the High Council of Magistrates, such as a 4-year term for board members, as well as other proposals that garnered approval from prosecutors during General Assemblies.

The second category is the one that raised concerns. This part stipulates that the Justice Ministry would have increased influence on the Public Ministry, the Judicial Inspection would become directly subordinated to the Justice Ministry and the justice minister will be able to appoint members in all top positions within the judicial institutions, issues that would jeopardize the system’s independence.

A new specialized commission that would enquire magistrates would also give a false impression on the crime rate among magistrates.

Finally, a new minimum age of 30 imposed to candidates applying for positions within the National Institute of Magistracy would lower the number of professional opportunities for law school graduates and would deepen personnel shortages.


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