Romanian Public Administration Unionists Plan Full-Blown Strike As Of Feb 12

Romanian public administration employees will start protest actions as of February 2 and go on full-blown strike as of February 12, disgruntled with the government’s plan to slash jobs in the public sector, freeze wages and eliminate bonuses.


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Romanian Public Administration Unionists Plan Full-Blown Strike As Of Feb 12

The National Federation of Unions in Administration, which has over 50,000 members working in local administration institutions, said Friday its members will be on a two-hour warning strike on February 2 and protests would climax with a full-blown strike planned to start on February 12.

Romanian authorities plan to cut up to 100,000 jobs in the country's overstaffed public sector.

Romania's union confederation Cartel Alfa, to which public administration unions are affiliated, said one hundred people would picket the Finance Ministry for half an hour every day as of next week.

Cartel Alfa and employers' association UGIR-1903 have called on the government to pass emergency decree allowing extended furlough instead of firing people.

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