Romanian Public Education Unions FEN, Alma Mater To Halt Strike

Romanian public education unions FEN and Alma Mater decided Wednesday to suspend their general strike and join the protest actions organized by the country’s five union confederations, said Bogdan Hossu, leader of the Cartel Alfa confederation.


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Romanian Public Education Unions FEN, Alma Mater To Halt Strike

Hossu said public administration unionists are considering a rule-book slowdown (where they perform their tasks "by the book," following every guideline and taking every safety precaution to the point that their work slows down). For instance, Hossu said, a police officer could stop 50 cars in an intersection and check them one by one for objects which might endanger national security.

The leaders of the five union confederations will meet this week to decide on the schedule for upcoming protests, which will mainly be addressed to lawmakers, Hossu said.

Romanian public administration union FNSA has decided to suspend its national strike, as of Wednesday 11 a.m., because of pressure from politicians and local authorities, who threaten to lay off striking unionists. FNSA leader Valer Suciu said the Government was "impervious" to the protest action and has not called the union in for talks.

Suciu also said the union will continue its "struggle" and take part in any protest action held by union confederation Cartel Alfa, including a human chain around the Parliament on the day of the no-confidence motion debate.

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