Romanian Public Sector Employees Protest Monday Against Scrapping Of Wage Bonuses

Romanian unionists in education, administration, healthcare and police affiliated to the "Cartel Alfa" union federation picket Monday the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor and of the parties making up the country’s governing coalition, demanding the government continue to grant them bonuses.


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Romanian Public Sector Employees Protest Monday Against Scrapping Of Wage Bonuses

Unionists will picket the Bucharest headquarters of the Democratic Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party, as well as prefects’ offices across the country, urging the government not to adopt an emergency decree that scraps part of bonuses public sector employees receive besides salaries.

"Cartel Alfa" and affiliated unions representing over 375,000 public sector employees in education, research, local public and central administration, healthcare and the police force are urging the government not to adopt the emergency decree that lowers the wages of public sector employees, by eliminating a series of bonuses.

Unionists will submit a protest-document at the Labor Ministry, headquarters of the governing coalition parties and prefects’ offices and will meet for talks with government representatives. Depending on the outcome of these talks, they will decide Tuesday on further protests.


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