Romanian Public Sector Pensions Calculated On Entire Activity – State Adviser

Romanian state adviser Mihai Seitan said Friday that the pension calculations will consider the entire active interval, not just the final months before retirement, and the calculation will be the same for all employees in the public sector.


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Romanian Public Sector Pensions Calculated On Entire Activity – State Adviser

Another idea included in the principles presented to the Government refers to the maintaining of solidarity between generations, as well as within the same generation, according to Seitan.

In addition, Seitan said that according to the principles in the new pension law, the contribution will be identical for all structures. All employers, on all sectors, and the same principle goes for all employees.

Seitan added the new law will maintain the principle of repartition, which refers to the fact that income achieved today is distributed to those who are retired today."

At the end of talks in the interminnisterial workgroup, Seitan announced the draft document containing the proposed principles for the new pension law has been completed and will be presented in the new Government meeting next week.

Seitan said, at the end of discussions in the inter-ministry workgroup, that the project comprising proposals on the principles of the new pension law has been completed and will be presented in next week’s Government meeting. He said the project contains eight principles, debated and accepted both by the workgroup and by labor minister Marian Sarbu.

The system will be based on contribution, Seitan said.

The principle of the mandatory occupational pension system will be included in the law. Seitan said this does not mean that every professional group will be able to benefit from a separate occupational pension.

The new law is to be approved by the Government, which will set the date when the law will enter force. Seitan said officials from all the ministries which took part in the development of the new law support its introduction. The Government will be asked to research the financial impact of the law on the state budget and institutional structures.

Seitan pointed out that European directives state certain professions may benefit from occupational pensions.


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