Romanian Public Servants Go On Warning Strike

Some 40,000 public servants affiliated to the de National Federation of Unions in the Administration (FNSA) are on a two-hour warning strike Thursday, demanding a 30% wage increase, the removal of incompatibilities for publics servants and the promotion of a salary law for state employees.


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Romanian Public Servants Go On Warning Strike

Unionists in the local public administration, public finance, labor offices, social security and statistics stop working between 8.00 and 10.00 (local time).
The head of FNSA, Valer Suciu, told MEDIAFAX Wednesday that unionists are discontent with the government’s proposed 4.5% wage increase for 2008, which is below the inflation rate estimated for this year. Unionists are also asking for the elimination of incompatibilities among public servants and criticize the lack of a unitary salary law for state employees.
Unionists also urge Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu to sack labor minister Paul Pacuraru for his “unacceptable blunders” and the one-sided and discriminating social dialog he practices, Suciu added.
On Monday, public servants were on a go-slow strike, and last week, over 65,000 public servants affiliated to the Sed Lex union were also on a two-hour go-slow strike.

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