Romanian Public Servants Mull Protests Against Govt Decision To Cut Staff By 20%

Romanian public servants threaten to protest to the government’s decision to scrap 20% of jobs in the central public administration, which they consider is an irresponsible government decision that will weaken state authority and affects public interest.


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Romanian Public Servants Mull Protests Against Govt Decision To Cut Staff By 20%

Members of the National Federation of Public Servants will decide Monday whether o trigger protests.
Union representatives appealed for responsibility in the statements and decisions made by the government at a time of economic crisis, when public institutions need to be strengthened to ensure the rule of law, not weakened by scrapping 20% of jobs among public servants, the union said in a press release Friday.
Unionist added that state institutions need to be strengthened to cope with cases of tax evasion and financial and economic crime that will increase in the upcoming period because of the lack of liquidities among economic operators and the government’s decisions.
On Thursday, the head of the “Sed Lex” public servants’ union, Vasile Marica, said the government’s decision to reduce central public administration staff by 20% might be a political move for the new government to bring in its own people, adding he is waiting for the government to bring arguments for the measure.
Marica said the first jobs to be scrapped should be those of advisers to ministers and state secretaries, as each such official has up to five or six advisers.
The Romanian government decided Thursday to scrap 20% of the jobs in the central public administration, without targeting the entire public sector.
Each minister is to analyze the ministry’s organizational chart and make propositions to achieve this staff reduction, people close the matter told MEDIAFAX.
A 20% staff cut in the central public administration would translate into the scrapping of 1,500 - 2,000 jobs, which account for little over 0.1% of the total number of public sector employees, which amounts to 1.5 million.

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