Romanian Public Servants Postpone Protests, Start Talks

The members of the Romanian National Union of Public Servants (SNPF) will suspend the protest actions announced for February 20 and 27, over an interval of ten days, as long as negotiations last with the Government, and if the negotiation result is good the unionists could even call off the strikes.


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Romanian Public Servants Postpone Protests, Start Talks

The union said in a press release that “ten days of negotiation is a reasonable timeframe in which the Government and unionists could find solutions for the protesters’ claims."
The first meeting between unionists and the Executive will take place Friday and will be attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection.
Nearly 200 members of the National Union of Public Servants recently protested for two hours asking for the payment of overtime and of bonuses, and demanding the negotiation of the collective labor contract.
The unionists announced the program of the protests includes a protest in front of the Government on February 16, a warning strike on February 20 and a general strike on February 27.
The unionists also demand judicial protection for public servants in institutions of control.
The National Alliance of Public Sector Employees “Sed Lex” said on February 9 it will organize protests to maintain their rights.
Sed Lex leader Vasile Marica said the organization he represents does not agree with the elimination of bonuses and indemnities.
Marica said protests on the wage hikes announced by the Government will not be organized until April 15, adding talks with the Government after this date will determine the possible protests.
The Executive decided that wages in the state sector will be increased this year by 5%, in two stages, by 3% in April and 2% in October.
Later on, representatives of the Government, of unions and of employers agreed to have talks on wage hikes after April 15, 2009, based on the economic results of the first quarter.

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