Romanian Public Servants Threaten To Go On Gen Strike As Of Feb 27

Members of Romania’s National Union of Public Servants threaten to go on general strike as of Feb 27 and demand wage increase of 50%, the protection of public servants in control institutions and public office stability.


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Romanian Public Servants Threaten To Go On Gen Strike As Of Feb 27

The union decided Friday to picket the government headquarters of Feb 16, go on a two-hour warning strike on Feb 20 and go on general strike as of Feb 27, the union said in a press release Monday.
Unionists added they will notify the ombudsman to protect employees’ their salary rights and their right to work, by eliminating incompatibilities.
Unionists demand a wage hike of 50% and the protection of employees in public control institutions, such as the Financial Guard, Labor Inspectorates, Fiscal Administration, Public Health Departments and Consumer Protection. Unionist also demand the start of negotiations to conclude a collective work contract for the sector.
Union leaders were invited Monday afternoon at the government headquarters to discuss the 2009 state budget draft with government officials.
Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday after the Cabinet meeting that the government approved the 2009 state budget draft, which is to be discussed again with social partners Monday, before it is sent to the Parliament for approval.
The government decided last week that wages in the public sector would increase 5% in 20089, in two stages: 3% in April and 2% in October.

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