Romanian President Wants Urgent Layoff Of 20% Of Public Servants

Publicat: 30 07. 2009, 15:17
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:25

Basescu said that the state apparatus has too many employees, of whom many are useless, which affects state budget resources.

The head of state said he doesn’t understand why the Government stalls reducing the “exaggeratedly large state apparatus”.

Basescu said the measure translates into laying off a large number of public servants, who are useless, which should be done without negotiations, as the current situation deeply affects the budget.

He mentioned he admires the prime minister for trying to solve the problem through negotiation, but he said such talks are no longer a solution.

Basescu suggested 20% of these employees should be laid off, adding he is convinced that many “philosophers” will criticize the measure on TV channels.