Romanian RCS&RDS Mulls Entering Hungary’s Mobile Telephony Mkt

Romania’s cable and internet supplier RCS&RDS aims to expand its mobile telephony services on Hungary's market, by taking part in a license granting bid held by the Hungarian state, the company’s president Alexandru Oprea said Wednesday.


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Romanian RCS&RDS Mulls Entering Hungary’s Mobile Telephony Mkt

"We aim to enter the mobile telephony market in Hungary," Oprea said at a Cable Communication Convention.
He could not give details on the costs and investments in the 3G network in Hungary, as RCS&RDS offer will compete with others. Hence, Oprea aims to immediately start the network construction if RCS&RDS gets the license.
RCS&RDS’ mobile telephony service Digi.Mobil was launched in October 2007, and has over 1.2 million subscribers one year from the launching.
Digi.mobil is available in over 400 localities, 185 of which in the urban area, and covers over 50% of the Romanian population.
RCS&RDS is one of the largest telecom operators on the Romanian market.
RCS&RDS Group, which also operates in Serbia, Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, reported a turnover of more than $500 million in 2007.

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