Romanian Reporter Hit By Official Protection Car, Driver Kept Going

One of the Protection and Guard Service (SPP) cars escorting social democrat leader Mircea Geoana slightly hit a reporter in front of the Social Democratic Party headquarters Monday, but the driver didn’t stop the car.


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Romanian Reporter Hit By Official Protection Car, Driver Kept Going

The SPP escort car accompanying Mircea Geoana as Senate Speaker slightly hit one of the reporters waiting for a statement by Geoana in front of the party headquarters.

Geoana left the building without making statements.

The second SPP car, which escorts the Senate Speaker, slightly hooked one of the reporters at the scene, injuring his ankle and calf.

Even though following the impact the reporter fell on another few reporters who had gathered to take statements, the driver continued on without stopping to check for damages.

The SPP later apologized publicly for the incident and said the driver in question is currently undergoing police investigations.

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